Qi Li
Research Associate
Research Interest: History & Theory of Megastructure in the Field of Architecture / Architectural Design & Analysis / Diagram of Architecture based on Projection & Representation / Behavior Oriented Architectural Design based on Game Theory / Architectural & Urban Multiculturalism.
1.1 One Modern Design and Cultural Research Project of Sichuan Philosophy and Social Sciences Key Research Base (PI, in progress)
1.2 One sub-project of a school-level teaching reform project, SWJTU (PI, in progress)
1.3 One Jiont-Ph.D Program funded by CSC (PI, completed)
1.4 One National Publishing Fund Project (Co-PI, completed)
1.5 One German Federal Cultural Foundation Project (Co-PI, completed)
2.1 QI Li*, LIN Rong. AIntrospection of Urban Transit Architectural Design Coursefrom the Perspective of Emerging Engineering Education - Taking Southwest Jiaotong University for Example [A]. Proceedings of 2019 National Conference on Architectural Education [C]. Beijing: CABP, 2019.10: 252-257.
2.2 QI Li. Study on the Origin, Development and Existing Cases of ‘Megastructure’ under the Domain of Architecture in Western Countries from the End of 1950's to the Mid of 1970's [D]: PhD. Nanjing: SEU, 2009.
2.3, QI Li*, ZHONG DeKun. Retrospect to the Historical Prototype of Megastructure and Criticism for the Contemporary Complex Building [M]. Architect, 2012, 157 (3): 15-22.
2.4 QI Li. Retrospect to the Historical Prototype of Megastructure for the Commercial Complex in the Contemporary Urbanization Process [A]. Proceedings of 2011 National Ph.D Candidate Academic Conference on Architectural Education [C]. Beijing: CABP, 2012.11: 88-91.
2.5 QI Li. A Primary Investigation on Megastructure Movement and its Influence on the Strategy of Modern Architecture Design [D]: M.Arch. Nanjing: SEU, 2009.
William J. R. Curtis (Author) /QI Li (Translator on the 35th chapter & the conclusion chapter), etc. The Chinese Translation of Modern Architecture Since 1900 [M]. Beijing: CABP, 2011.12.
4. Honor:
1. Academic Visitor, Sheffield University, UK.
2. Top-prize winner of the 2009 Autodesk Architectural Design Competiotion.
3. Tutorial on a Silver-prize winning group in the 2013 “Lanxing Cup” Architectural Design Competiotion / Silver-prize of the best Tutors in the same competition.
4. Tutorial on a Third Prize winner in the 2019 China Architectural Education /
TSIUGRUN Award Students’ Paper Competition
5. Joint-tutorial on an Excellent Design winning group from 2020 DAJIANKANG Joint Graduation Deisgn
5. Courses:
1. Co-Teaching: Graduation Design of architecture, Architectural Design A5-1, A4-2, A3-2, B1-2, etc.
2. Teaching & PI: a series of research & teaching projects on Urban Architecture in the Context of Internet of Everything (supported by SRTP &PEP)
Contact: leechitect@swjtu.edu.cn